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Legend of the Escape King》TXT单章节下载
序号 章节名 字数 时间 下载
1 Ch. 1 Secret Escape Competition 2210 2023-12-09 下载本章
2 Ch. 2 The Secret Door 2688 2023-12-16 下载本章
3 Ch. 3 The White Snake Empress 1651 2023-12-23 下载本章
4 Ch. 4 Out of the Flying Pan and Into the Fire 1248 2023-12-31 下载本章
5 Ch. 5 Bird Three Fights the White Wolf 1712 2024-01-06 下载本章
6 Ch. 6 Bird Three’s Demise and the Capture of White 1496 2024-01-06 下载本章
7 Ch. 7 Bird Three’s Reincarnation: New Journey 1684 2024-02-20 下载本章
8 Ch. 8 Bird and Quesi Meet After 10 Years 1867 2024-02-20 下载本章